You think you need more .... but you are enough.

You just need to live that out.

God is more invested in

the person you become than what you do

That's where coaching comes in.

I act as a catalyst in your growth and development.

I take you where you weren't planning to go, to show you what you currently aren't seeing.

And because a threefold cord is not quickly broken,

Let's do it TOGETHER - you, me, & the Spirit.

I'd never been coached on identity before, but as my business is inextricably tied to who I am, I thought I would start there.

What I learned far exceeded my expectations; it was insightful to tap into who I am and discover how to gain more surety in making decisions.

I now get to frame my life from my own truth.

Fiona Cole

Big Words, New Zealand

Picture a Life Where You ....

.... Make decisions with clarity, discernment & wisdom

.... Are courageous, confident, disciplined & impactful

.... Serve & work according to your purpose and calling

.... Create quality relationships with God, yourself, & people around you

.... Are free, fulfilled, & having fun here on earth (as it is in heaven!)

Newsflash: These are realities that Jesus has ALREADY redeemed.

You do Him a disservice if you're not living them out

Want my help living according to your God-given identity?

Design Your Own Experience Here!


Ask me anything. Tell me anything. You show me how to serve you best.


  • You have the head & heart work sorted; and would benefit from clear action steps

  • You want guidance or a fresh perspective on a decision you needed to make yesterday

  • You have a million thoughts in your head tangled together like a ball of yarn and need someone to help you untangle the strands

  • You want an honest and unbiased opinion on a certain situation


Up to 90-min coaching call


Dedicated to deep diving into an area you want to delve into.

Oftentimes, the focus is on one of these: time, talent, treasure, or tribe stewardship.


  • You have a stumbling block in your life that you cannot seem to remove by your efforts alone (it's time to bring in the big guns!)

  • You have a specific area of your life that you want to focus on. Once you nail this, you'll be away laughing!

  • You want support, guidance, & accountability so you don't stray from the path

  • You want a comprehensive strategy to tackle the issues you're having

From $1890

6 (or more) weeks

weekly 60-min calls


You've done the best you can & have come a long way. Kudos to you.

But you want a firm foundation rather than the structure you've created by trial & error.

This adventure is not for the faint of heart. It will be life-challenging, but also life-changing.


  • You want to set yourself up for eternity & prepare for that by being discipled and discipling others

  • You seek an honest, judgment-free relationship where you can be vulnerable and 'naked' - the way God created relationships to be

  • You are looking for balance in your life and want accountability to prevent you from swinging between extremes

  • You want to want Jesus. You want to desire an intimate relationship with Him. You want Him to be the end result you seek, rather than the means to an end

From $3250

6 (or more) month experience

bi-weekly 60-min calls

The season and adventure experiences also come with:

  • Ongoing feedback and support via email or WhatsApp (48-hour response time)
  • 40% off additional coaching sessions during our time together (starting at $150)
  • Call recordings, notes, and action steps delivered to your inbox (as requested)

Let's get you on the

*I've-got-this-all-figured out* bandwagon

so that you can take on life


As the saying goes, “You teach what you know, but you reproduce what you are.”

With your spirit-directed questions, empathetic listening, and willingness to confront with hard questions, you have empowered me to step into my God-given purpose.

You are gentle and affirming, yet firm and action-oriented all at the same time!

You're also incredibly versatile in being able to provide godly insight and concrete action steps on a whole range of areas - from faith, to family, to finances, and writing!

Joanna Hioe

Freelance Creative & PhD Candidate, Singapore

You were fantastic!

I really appreciated that you took the time to understand my needs and wants before we started working together.

We reviewed my business costs and booking process, and they have been transformative.

My finances are now on track and I’m booking more clients than ever before.

Hannah Danielle

Chapter One Dog Training, Australia

Before I started my session with you, I went into it unclear of what was needed to improve my business.

But I knew some changes had to be made.

After our session, I left with clarity on my next steps and increased confidence that I was equipped to move forward with them.

I love that you helped me to search and find the nuggets within myself!

Michele Holiday

Feed Their Needs LLC

Why Coach With Me?

1️⃣ I can help you grow into the kind of person that God can empower to do whatever YOU want.

(No, that's not a typo. Read that again and let it sink in).

2️⃣ I am being coached and discipled myself. It's important because I cannot teach what I have not applied, and I cannot apply what I have not learned.

3️⃣ I have the life experience & practical qualification to back me up. Identity crisis? Check. My mess is now my message. PhD in brain biology? Check. I know what makes people tick.

Want to find out more?

Have questions?

How do I know if it's a coach or someone else (counsellor, therapist or mentor) that I need?

All those fields overlap to a small degree in one way or another.
When you coach with me, there will be times when we will delve into the past (as counseling and therapy do) if there are things that need to be resolved.

However, as a coach, I primarily focus on the present and future rather than the past. I equip you to find your own solutions, rather than giving you straight advice.

I'm not a Christian. Can we still work together?

Yes, we can.

My husband is not (yet) a Christian and we get along splendidly.

Being a follower of Christ is very much a part of my identity though, so there will be things I say and do that will come from that, but being loving means that I will never force them on you.

I don’t think I can spend that right now. Do you have payment plans?

Yes. Just as our coaching sessions are tailored to you, payment plans can be too.

If you are a Christian, I suggest you pray. If this is a goal you've made with God, He will provide.

He always pays for what He orders.

What is your refund policy?

There are no refunds.

I recommend booking a consultation if you're considering working together for a season or an adventure - this is when we get to know each other and can decide if we'll collaborate well.

My guarantee: If you come with the right heart posture, you WILL walk away transformed.

Compensation received for coaching sessions that do not take place will be donated to a non-profit organization of my choice.

I'm already so busy, I don’t think I have time for this!

First things first: deep breaths. I hear and feel you.

But if you're that busy, you need this all the more.

Newsflash: You can't really 'save' time. Saving time is an illusion, because you end up spending it somewhere, somehow. What you CAN do is choose to spend it wisely.

An hour we spend together will help you master the remaining 23 in your day.

What is that worth to you?

I have more questions, how can I get in touch?

You can send me a message (general queries) OR book in a consultation (if you have questions about the season or adventure journey).

Made your way down here but still not sure what you need?

No worries!

Let’s chat over a cuppa and we can hash things out together.

Grab my weekly inspiration on living an identity-led life