You think you need more time, more energy, more money, more ... (fill in the blank)

What you actually need is



That's where I come in.

I help women like you put together a balanced life made up of family, work, ministry, and your many passions that has a perfect center of gravity:



... Having the clarity to make decisive decisions

... Having fun and living with fulfillment, knowing that you're living a purposeful and impactful life

... Having the freedom to choose and maintain your boundaries

... Knowing that you’re stewarding your resources well

Ready to live a life worthy of your calling?

Choose Your Adventure

Power Hour

Ask-Me-Anything style!

These 60-min coaching calls are dedicated to anything and everything you are wanting to find clarity or discernment on - whether it's your personal life balance, business, or relationships.


  • Want some guidance or a fresh perspective on decisions you need to make, like, yesterday
  • Have got a million thoughts in your head tangled together like a ball of yarn and need someone to help you untangle the strands
  • Want a quick, snappy audit of how you steward your time, money, energy, or relationships


1-on-1 60-min coaching call

pay for what you need, when you need it

coaching on any aspect of work, family, or relationships

Themed Intensive

Done-with-you, these six weeks are dedicated to deep diving into an area of your life or business.

Think pricing strategy, workflow systems, time or energy management, best daily routines, standard operating procedures set up ... this is the offer for stuff like that.


  • Have one area of your life that you want to focus on. Once you nail this, you're away laughing!
  • Want support and guidance so you don't stray (blinkers on, lovely!) while you're jazzing things up
  • Want a complete solution to the area of focus - you will have it by the end of our time together!


6 week immersive experience

weekly 60-min calls to strategize, review, and respond to questions

focus on the one niggly area of work, family, or relationships that's holding you back

VIP Journey

They never taught balance in school, so you've done the best you can. Kudos to you.

But it's time to tear down the haphazard structure that could blow over at any moment and build a life that will withstand the strongest of storms. Bring it on!


  • Want to set yourself up for the long term and create permanent, lasting change
  • Want custom, personalized systems. You've tried templates and 'expert advice' but they were not sustainable. Because they weren't built FOR YOU
  • Know your time is best put towards your genius zones (your work, family, ministry ...) rather than researching 'how-tos' and trying to go at it alone


6 month immersive experience

bi-weekly 60-min calls to strategize, review, and optimize systems

lay the foundations and set yourself up with tools for a well-balanced life

P.S: Did I mention bonuses?

You also get:

  • Ongoing feedback and support via email or WhatsApp (48-hour response time)
  • 40% off additional coaching sessions during our time together (starting at $150)
  • Audio call recordings, notes, and action steps delivered straight to your inbox (so you don't have to take notes!)

I'd never been coached on identity before, but as my business is inextricably tied to who I am, I thought I would start there.

What I learned far exceeded my expectations; it was insightful to tap into who I am and discover how to gain more surety in making decisions.

I now get to frame my life from my own truth.

Fiona Cole

Big Words, New Zealand

Let's get you on the

*I've-got-this-all-figured out* bandwagon

so that you can take on life


Let's get you on the

*I've-got-this-all-figured out* bandwagon

so that you can take on life


As the saying goes, “You teach what you know, but you reproduce what you are.”

With your spirit-directed questions, empathetic listening, and willingness to confront with hard questions, you have empowered me to step into my God-given purpose.

You are gentle and affirming, yet firm and action-oriented all at the same time!

You're also incredibly versatile in being able to provide godly insight and concrete action steps on a whole range of areas - from faith, to family, to finances, and writing!

Joanna Hioe

Freelance Creative & PhD Candidate, Singapore

You were fantastic!

I really appreciated that you took the time to understand my needs and wants before we started working together.

We reviewed my business costs and booking process, and they have been transformative.

My finances are now on track and I’m booking more clients than ever before.

Hannah Danielle

Chapter One Dog Training, Australia

Before I started my session with you, I went into it unclear of what was needed to improve my business.

But I knew some changes had to be made.

After our session, I left with clarity on my next steps and increased confidence that I was equipped to move forward with them.

I love that you helped me to search and find the nuggets within myself!

Michele Holiday

Feed Their Needs LLC

Why trust Dr Amy Ewald?

(here are 3 reasons!)

1️⃣ I have a doctorate in addiction biology. Brain and behavior? I've studied it. Intimately. With my perspective, you'll find out what makes you tick.

2️⃣ I survived a cancer battle. It wasn't fun, but it was one of the BEST things to ever happen to me (strange but true!). I'll show you how to never let a good crisis go to waste.

3️⃣ I’m a wife, mom, homemaker, CAO (read: chief-all-the-things-officer) in my business, and an avid follower of Jesus. Trust me, I know what it's like to have a FULL life!

Still have questions?

How soon should I book in a call?

My calendar usually books out a couple of weeks ahead so if you're wanting a time sooner rather than later, it pays to book in a time now.

How do I know if it's coaching or something else (counselling or therapy) that I need?

If you're wanting to use your present as a launchpad for your future, then coaching is for you. Coaching will grow, stretch, and develop you. If you're wanting more from life, let's have a conversation.

How do I know if you're the right coach for me?

A coach will get you from where you are to where you want to be.

I will get you from where you are to where God wants you to be - which is immeasurably better than anything you can ask for or imagine.

If you're looking for the latter, I'm the coach for you.

I'm not a Christian. Can we still work together?

Yes, we can. My husband is not (yet) a Christian and we get along splendidly ... ask our kids 😉

I will have values that I adhere to, but I will never force them on you.

Yikes, I just don’t think I can spend that right now! Do you have payment plans?

Yes. Just as our coaching sessions are tailored to you, the payment plan can be too. Let's talk and see if we can come to an agreement.

What is your refund policy?

There are no refunds. I recommend booking in a consultation - this is when we get to know each other and can decide if we'll collaborate well.

My guarantee to you: If you come fully prepared and equipped to our session, you WILL walk away with gold.

Compensation received for coaching sessions that do not take place will be donated to a charity of my choice.

I'm already so busy, I don’t think I have time for this!

First things first: deep breaths, lovely. I hear and feel you.

I say this often: You can't really 'save' time, but you can spend it well. That's EXACTLY what I help you do.

The one hour we spend together will help you master the remaining 23 in your day. What is that worth to you?

I have more questions, how can I get in touch?

You can book in a consultation here. I look forward to connecting with you!

Made your way down here but still not sure what you need?

No worries!

Let’s chat over a cuppa and we can hash things out together.

Grab my weekly inspiration on living an identity-led life