You want to live according to your purpose and calling.

I want that for you too.

I started coaching to help disciples like you live boldly & courageously

A story of the day I discovered my identity ....

I had just finished my morning quiet time.

It had been anything but peaceful.

For months, I had been wrestling with God on my identity.

Before cancer, I was a Christian, wife, mother, and business owner. I had it all sorted.

But my cancer diagnosis and treatment had stripped me bare.

I was not what I would call a ‘good Christian’ - I wasn’t happy with God because of my circumstances.

I wasn’t a good wife either - It was hard to be when I didn’t feel like a woman.

Good mother? Fat chance. I didn’t have the patience or energy for the kids.

As for the business…..what business? Chemo demanded all my time and the little energy I had.

I felt VERY lost.

I had been praying desperately for an answer but had heard nothing.

So the prayer I whispered that morning was more out of habit than sincerity.

Who am I, God?

I didn’t hear anything. For some reason, God never seems to speak to me audibly (yet).

But a single word came to my heart and mind that day.

Just one word.


I’m Amy.

Like Sarah did when she heard God saying that she'll have a baby, I laughed.

Fat load of help that is, God. D-UH. Of course, I’m Amy. That's my name.

But for some strange reason, I recalled a bookmark that I had received when I was a teenager.

It was a bookmark with my name on it, it’s meaning, and a Scripture beneath it.

I had forgotten it, but I knew exactly where it was - in a box that held all my ‘treasures’.

I pulled it out, and tears instantly sprang to my eyes.

This is what the bookmark looks like:

Thank you for allowing me to share my story with you.

My name is Amy, and I am God’s beloved.

My other roles in life stem from that core:

I am a disciple, a steward, a wife, a mother, and a coach.

My mission is 'to love as I am loved, and to disciple as I am discipled'.

I'm stoked you're here.

Your turn: Who are YOU and what’s your story?

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Want to learn more about me?

Read My Full Story

Made it all the way down here and want to know more?

Here are some not-so-secret & surprising facts about me!

My other name is ...

Dr Hoo (pronounced who); it's my maiden name. I'm the female, lady-boss version in the flesh!

I met my other half ...

On his doorstep. I was working as a door-to-door salesperson and knocked on his door. We married 6 months after.

My personality type ...

ENFP, but it's a close call on the introvert-extrovert and thinking-feeling scale.

My 5 top Clifton Strengths are Harmoney, Maximizer, Intellection, Futuristic, and Connectedness.

My fave place is ...

The beach. The pool. Anywhere with a good body of water. It's the medium in which I feel closest to God.

My fave drink is ...

A good Shandy (mix of beer and lemonade). Hubby thinks it's a waste of good beer, but loves me enough to buy lemonade everytime he has beer.

My biggest vice is ...

I LOVE a good Korean drama. TV is the way I chill!

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